Other resources
Carolyn Pridham is a pelvic health physiotherapist practicing in the “Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultants" clinic in St. John’s, NL under her business name “Vitality Physiotherapy". Since graduating from Dalhousie in 2015 with her masters, she has focused her continuing education and training in pelvic health. Carolyn treats women of all ages with any type of pelvic floor dysfunction. This includes, but is not limited to women who experience incontinence, prolapse symptoms, pelvic pain, constipation, and diastasis recti. Please click the link to learn more about how physiotherapy can help with your postpartum recovery.
We provide non-medical support to anyone seeking abortion care in the Atlantic provinces.
The mental health and addictions patient navigator knows about all of the mental health and addictions services provided by the health authorities and the community. The navigator helps individuals to consider options and find the right mental health and addictions service for each individual, and their family. The navigator also connects individuals to necessary services or programs during their mental health journey. Services are available to individuals, families and professionals of any age within Newfoundland and Labrador.
The Newfoundland & Labrador Association of Family Resource Programs (NLFRP) was formed in 1999 and incorporated in 2000. Membership is open to all family resource programs operating in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Membership consists of non-profit, community-based organizations working with young children, families, and caregivers to enhance strengths to build community capacity to promote healthy families.
Dr. Eustace uses joint mobilizations and manipulations, soft tissue therapy, acupuncture, electrotherapies as well as strengthening and stretching exercises in his practice to manage and treat many different musculoskeletal (MSK) conditions. As an advocate for perinatal mental health he sees the connection between physical and emotional health.
In a warm and professional setting, Angela Lily, RMT offers clinical massage therapy treatments for the whole family. The specialized techniques offered can help with anxiety, depression, injury prevention and recovery, reducing stress, and helping individuals feel strong and comfortable.
FASDNL is a provincial organization that educates, networks, and shares resources on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). Support and training are available for individuals, families, and professionals affected by FASD in Newfoundland and Labrador.
Eastern Health’s Health Information website has information on a wide range of health and wellness topics for all ages. Topics include family meals, family planning, sexual health, mental health, getting active, and getting immunized.
For support with myofunctional therapy, TMJ, tongue ties, connecting oral health and mental health is the foundation for Tiffany Ludwicki and her practice. Contact her for more information and support to help your family, children and infants develop healthy habits from the beginning!
Alexandria Harvey is a local registered massage therapist with an interest in pregnancy and postpartum individuals. Find her at Full Circle Acupuncture and Wellness, book to go over your needs and start a pathway towards wellness!
NL Life with COVID-19 is a Government of NL webpage with up-to-date information on public health orders and recommendations, as well as supports and resources for individuals (including new and expectant parents, youth, vulnerable populations), businesses, workplaces, and communities.